1. Academic Schedule
Course Duration
March 6, 2023 ~ June 19, 2023
(15 weeks - including Examination Period)
Tests or Report Submission
June 12 ~ 19, 2023
Grade Adjustment Period
June 26 ~ 28, 2023
2. Curriculum
Go to [Lecture Room]-[My Lecture Room]-[My Academic Calendar] to see detailed information about the Program.
3. Grade Evaluation
※ Per course: Test or Assignment (80%) + Attendance (10%) + Survey (10%)
1) Tests or Reports (80% of Grade)
① Tests MUST be taken during the designated Examination Period
- Examination Guideline: [Admissions]-[FAQ]-[Guide to Testing Procedure]
② Reports will not be accepted after the submission period.
- Grade evaluation on reports will only be displayed with the letter grade (A, A-, B+, ....).
- Grading criteria: [Admissions]-[FAQ]-[Must-Read] How is my report graded?
- Guidelines to Writing and Submitting Reports: [Admissions]-[FAQ]-[How Can I write and submit my
* Please double check the Grade Evaluation Method by the Course Name and be mindful whether the subject is a Test or Report for the proper assessment *
2) Attendance (10% of grade)
① Students are required to watch all the lecture videos which will be acknowledged as an attendance to receive
the credit for the course
3) Survey #8 (10% of grade)
① Surveys will be taken automatically as you start your test or submit your reports.
② Question #1-7 are about the lecture / course notes / professor (No effect on grade points)
③ Question #8 is about what you have learned through the lectures (At least 3 sentences, within 300 words)
Random comments or lecture assessments that are irrelevant to the course will result in mark deduction
4. Tuition
1) If you officially withdraw from the program after the third week of the Trimester no refund will be issued and
students are liable for payment of outstanding fees.
(If you withdrew within the third week of the Trimester, the refund will be calculated based on the week you withdrew.)
2) Please refer to [Admissions]-[Forms]-[No. 4-Leave of Absence Application Form] if you wish to defer from
your course.
5. Course Retake
1) Students are required to repeat the course if they
- failed to achieve 100% attendance OR
- received a grade below 60(F) on any tests or reports OR
- received a failing grade(F) for any courses.
2) Additional Fees will be incurred.
Grade Scale